LFDay 2024

Crédit Agricole



Crédit Agricole Group is the leading financial partner to the French economy and one of the largest banking groups in Europe. It is the leading retail bank in Europe as well as the first European asset manager, the first bancassurer in Europe and the third European player in project finance. Built on its strong cooperative and mutual roots, its 142 000 employees and the 31 000 directors of its Local and Regional Banks, Crédit Agricole Group is a responsible and responsive bank serving 51 million customers, 10.5 million mutual shareholders and 1.1 million individual shareholders. In the area of agtech and foodtech, Credit Agricole Group works to accelerate innovation through the Villages by CA network, through investment via its own programs or partner funds, and as a promoter. Crédit Agricole also stands out for its dynamic, innovative corporate social responsibility policy, for the benefit of the economy. This policy is based on a pragmatic approach which permeates across the Group and engages each employee.

Our Sessions

May 21, 2024
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Salle : Multivers

Following the Hackathon GAIA

Nicolas Dorison (Chambre d'agriculture Pays de la Loire, Chargé de mission innovation)David Joulin (Ekylibre | OS Farm, Co-fondateur & CEO)
Au coeur du LFDay, cet atelier de travail collaboratif définira la stratégie et le plan d'action pour approfondir le Hackathon GAIA organisé durant le salon de l'agriculture 2023, et préparer le prochain.
May 21, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Salle : Pas Perdus

VC's investment dynamics in the AgriFoodTech sector

Lucille BENOIT (Supernova Invest, VC Analyste)
- présentation des dernières statistiques en Europe, - notre vision sur les tendances, - quelques conseils pour lever dans les conditions actuelles.