LFDay 2024


Stand: H04


Produce more and better with less water (-20%) and less synthetic fertiliser (-30%), while doubling yields and having a virtuous impact on the environment. This is the ambition of MYCOPHYTO, the innovative start-up that is disrupting agricultural practices by regenerating the soil. Thanks to unique biosolutions of mycorrhizal fungi adapted to each need, MYCOPHYTO nourishes the soil and plants.

Our Sessions

May 21, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Espace de conférence

French AgriTech: research and development, where do we stand?

Carole CARANTA (INRAE, Directrice Générale Déléguée Science et Innovation)Justine Lipuma (MYCOPHYTO, CEO)Hervé Pillaud (Agriculteur, écrivain & conférencier)
Expectations and plans for the future? An exchange between Carole Caranta of INRAE & Justine LIPUMA, head of R&D at La Ferme Digitale, following the FrenchAgriTech report. Animated by Hervé Pillaud.