LFDay 2024



Sweep is a company founded in April 2021 by Rachel Delacour, Nicolas Raspal - founders of Bime Analytics acquired for $45 million by Zendesk in 2015 - as well as Yannick Chaze and Raphaël Gueller. Thanks to its SaaS software, it enables companies to accurately calculate the carbon emissions of each of their internal and external branches. Its solution facilitates the connection and sharing of information between suppliers, partners, customers and companies.

Our Sessions

May 21, 2024
9:20 AM - 10:00 AM
Espace de conférence

Fire Chat

Florian Delmas (ANDROS, Président)Julien Denormandie (Sweep, Ancien Ministre de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté Alimentaire)Antoine Hubert (Ÿnsect, Co-fondateur / Chief Strategy Officer)
Animé par Antoine Hubert, co-fondateur d'Ÿnsect.